Art by dazechu on twitter

Jamie's Silly Critters

A place where I (Jamie) can host all of my character images without the bullshit that is toyhouse and its editing system </3


Flentl they/them

*Simple *Drummer *Bernese

LORE WISE Simple easygoing person who is known for being clumsy and whimsy

Milo she/her

Demon Dog
*Social *Lesbian *Botanist

Related to devils, loves her flower garden and cares for her girlfriend Port.
Social butterfly and a slight pothead

Port she/her

*Reserved *Trans *Tinkerer

Trans girl living life making machinery, cares for her girlfriend Milo.
Built own TV Head which she used to rely on for social interaction, doesn't anymore

Muffin she/her

*Tough *Loud *Knucklehead

Dog who enjoys getting her hands dirty. Current partners with Reyn and supports his love for the outdoors despite being an indoor person.
Dislikes cats and is a big fan of food, talking, and fights

Reyn they/he

Timid Winged Angel
*Quiet *Naive *Whimsy

Winged dog with social anxiety, best friends with Kiisen and is partners with Muffin.
Loves nature and the outdoors, frequent hikes has him forget he has wings

Amphe he/him

*Musician *Calm *Cocky

Easygoing trans man cat who acts like he has no cares in the world, but is stressed constantly.
Does not get along with Muffin. Besties with Flentl

Kumo he/they

Mischievous Dog
*Narcissist *Tired *Traumatized

Confused dog who hates the world and loves causing problems, big or small.
Not super close with anyone, but Muffin keeps him in check.

Extra Info - Milo

Finds comfort in Port, is essentially attached at the start of the relationship and has a sort of "devotion" throughout the later half of high school into early years of college. Took time to grow from this and become less attached to give her girlfriend breathing space.

Loves to record her thoughts whether in a notebook or through video. She can often be found holding her portable digital camera taking pictures of sunsets or recording the antics of her friends. She cherishes every memory given to her and hopes to make a large collection of it all someday.
She loves her vintage media formats.


Big gardner, a botanist at heart and loves all there is to plant life and nature. Would later run a flower shop with Reyn assisting her in running the shop.
Her favorite flower is
Tradescantia Pallida

Extra Info - Amphe

Full name: Anampheno (birthname)
Grew up with a love of music, and continues to practice to this day.
After being forced to learn the violin for years he's grown a distaste for the instrument and sticks to an electric guitar.
Has a hard time expressing himself, and can be often seen quoting song lyrics in everyday conversations

Has been in a (serious) cover band since college as lead guitar, with Flentl on drums and Port on keyboard. Fourth member on bass was an ex of Port's.
After their breakup they'd find a new bassist after a long hiatus from making music together, since then they've continued to do covers and rarely any original songs.
- Favorite song to perform: Until Then - Feed Me Jack
- Favorite song overall: Last Night - Motion City Soundtrack
He finds a lot of joy in creating his own spin on music, and trying new instruments to keep his brain turning (even if he knows he'll just stick to the guitar at the end of the day)

Although his ego gets the better of him most times, he genuinely does care for the people around him and tries to better himself from his younger days and his past relationships.
He still has a problem with being cocky and being full of himself. His want to be the best stems from his parents expecting the best at a young age.